What is Softaculous?

Softaculous is a library of applications, which allows installation of over 400 CMS systems and libraries of several different program languages. Using Softaculous, any user can quickly and easily create a Web site in a few steps or obtain the necessary libraries for developing web applications. Compared with other similar libraries, Softaculous provides a much richer set of systems, and more opportunities for easy control and automation.

The platform is available in all Linux hosting plans. Functionalities, which include Softaculous, are:

Installation of CMS systems and libraries:

    1. Systems of PHP:

• blogs - WordPress, Open Blog, Dotclear, b2evolution and more.
• micro blogs - Sharetronix, StatusNet, PageCookery and others.
• portals - Joomla, Drupal, e107, PHP-Nuke, PHP-Fusion and so on.
• forums - phpBB, Simple Machines Forum (SMF), Vanilla, etc.
• galleries - Gallery, Coppermine, Piwigo, ZenPhoto and more.
• Wiki pages - MediaWiki, DokuWiki, WikkaWiki and others.
• social networks - Dolphin, Oxwall, Jcow and so on.
• advertising systems - OpenClassifieds, OpenX, etc..
• frameworks - CakePHP, Kohana, Smarty and more.
• electronic stores - Magento, CubeCart, osCommerce, OpenCart, ZenCart and others.
• project management - qdPM, Feng Office, Collabtive and so on.
• ERP systems - SugarCRM, Vtiger, OrangeHRM, Dolibarr, FrontAccounting, etc.

• web calendars - WebCalendar and more.
• web mail clients, newsletters and mailing lists - Roundcube and others.
• surveys, studies and statistics- Piwik, Logaholic and so on.
• guest books – WebCalendar, etc.
• support systems - phpMyFAQ and others.
• education - Moodle, Claroline and more.
• DBMS - phpMyAdmin, SQLiteManager, Adminer and so on.
• music, video, RSS, file managers, others

    1. Perl’s systems :

• blog - Movable Type
• online store – ShopSite

    1. JavaScript libraries:

• jQuery
• MooTools
• Prototype
• Rico
• Dojo
• php.JS
• Modernizr
• others

    1. PHP scripts and classes, which you can use in developing your web applications.

Import of installed systems

To take advantage of more easily manage, control and update of systems, it is possible to add systems, that have already been installed manually, directly in Softaculous. Import of systems will provide an opportunity to use all the features, offered by the platform such as automatic update.

Manual and automatic update of systems

By Softaculous you can provide quickly and easily systems’ updates to newer versions. Updates can be performed via the Softaculous control panel or automatically, without the need for intervention by you.

Backup and recovery

It is possible to generate backups of any installed system via the platform. There is a way to recover a selected system from already generated backup.

Email notifications

The platform provides the opportunity to be automatically notified when a new version of the systems, which you use to develop your sites and applications, is available.

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